Prayer Changes Me

I know it’s true that ‘prayer changes things’ and I believe God’s Word – ‘The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much!’ James 5.16. But lately, I have come to realize that prayer changes me too.

This week is about prayer and faith – based themes.

I know a lot happens when we pray. So, I do. I pray for friends and people I see along the way I think are having a tough time but most of my prayers are for my family. One very special part of the Bible that touches me deeply when I think of my family is Exodus 28.12 – ‘And you shall put the two stones upon the [two] shoulder straps of the ephod [of the high priest] as memorial stones for Israel; and Aaron shall bear their names upon his two shoulders as a memorial before the Lord.’

Sometimes the Bible is confusing to me, but one day in prayer, the Lord brought these words to my heart and I heard that still small voice say, ‘you bear the names of your family as a memorial before Me when you come to Me in prayer, just like the priests of old brought Israel to Me.’ God has blessed me with a sincere love for the ones He chose to be my family and I cherish the privilege of bringing their names to God on a regular basis for all reasons.

Prayer makes me request an audience with the King – the Only One Who can help in so many moments of life. It’s true, when I pray, I am praying for a miracle because if I could do the thing I need done myself, I would have no need to pray. But, those moments come. I am blessed to see Him as my All in All, the One is Who is bigger than all I face. Situations are too much for me, but never a surprise to Him or too much for Him. When I pray I grow in faith and see Him as the Daddy that can do anything. I see Him as loving and kind and I change. I go from being someone scared and lonely to knowing the God of the Universe is listening and not only listening, wants to talk to me and wants to answer my prayers. And I am changed.

This week, I want to share our titles, ‘Lighting Candles 1 2 and 3, The 23rd Psalm, Love Letter From God, and Divine Designs.’

Lighting Candles 1 2 and 3 are 3 30 -day devotional books that are Christian themed and relate the topics of prayer, mercy, forgiveness, a closer relationship with God, and more. There are 2 bonus days in each book and a small section after the short reading to allow the reader to reflect on their own thoughts and experiences.  The day reads are though provoking and help one understand their own needs and walk with God.

The 23rd Psalm is a small but precious book with the words and thoughts from the author’s treasured 23rd Psalm. The Lord is our Shepherd, we will not lack… and more.

Love Letter From God – is a small book to share with others who struggle with how they feel God sees them. It is written in a personal way to show that God is always with each of us and knows every detail about us.

Divine Designs – is a charming little children’s picture book about angels on the design floor of heaven and some of the angels are designing the unique and stunning creatures that are here with us – the turtle, the giraffe, the rhinoceros, the manatee, whales, bees, hummingbirds, and more! Told in a cute and entertaining way, the book shows the young reader how the unique animals are not what we would expect here on Earth, but they are here and their existence as well as our own shouts the glory of the Living God, the Creator of the Universe and all these creatures that are not here by chance!! Take a look!

A 2 Z Press celebrates creativity and encourages all who are searching for a new and interesting faith-based book to enjoy this summer to take a look at ‘Lighting Candles 1 2 and 3, The 23rd Psalm, Love Letter From God, and Divine Designs.’

These are great books for family reading time as well as non-denominational stories easy to relate to.  The significance of stories for young and all age readers cannot be understated, the  narratives emphasize the cognitive and emotional benefits of engaging young minds in captivating tales. The featured book adds a sensitive touch to the reader’s  journey in faith, offering heartwarming experiences, and interesting storylines that  make this an ideal choice for story reading traditions. Families are encouraged to come together, create  moments of joy, and build cherished traditions through the magic and FUN of inspirational storytelling.

Faith-based  Storytelling for Young Readers

Faith-based storytelling invites readers to engage in a memorable time of enjoyable storytelling. ‘Lighting Candles 1 2 and 3, The 23rd Psalm, Love Letter From God, and Divine Designs.’  are delightful additions to young tales or any age reader and I hope brings warmth to the hearts of all readers. The convenience of books available online has made storytelling even more accessible. Parents and caregivers can now explore a vast array of our novels and short stories at the click of a button. The vibrant colors, captivating illustrations, and  engaging narratives come together to create an immersive experience for young readers, fostering a love for reading at any age. Check out our book store  to see all of the children’s books we offer at and Amazon.

We invite families to embrace the magic of faith-based storytelling during this Summer season. Whether through illustrated stories or the whimsical world of our sensitive novels, let’s come together to create moments of joy, wonder, and laughter for our children. As we share precious stories, we not only foster a love for reading but also build  traditions that will be treasured for years to come and something to remember when each day – or perhaps it already has and you ‘read to know God more and more.’

No One Told Me Grief is Forever

It came as such a surprise! I wasn’t’ expecting how much I would forever miss the ones I lost. The deep ache of the loss has passed, but the ‘wish you were still here’ is alive and well. Seven years later, I still look up to tell them I miss them. I miss them all. I am happy when I think of them, so it’s not all sad moments.

The topic this week is grief. A sad subject for many of us, but one many are familiar with. If we haven’t personally experienced loss, we eventually will. Also, I meet others every day who have experienced loss. It helps me to know I am not alone. I hope it helps you too.

Our commitment to excellent storytelling and family-friendly books again brings us to delve into the amazing world of novels and novellas to enhance our imaginations and spark enjoyment in summer reads.

This week, we want to share Terrie Sizemore’s titles, ‘Good Grief!’ – a sensitive look at one woman’s journey through her grief.   

Good Grief! is a personal story about the loss of a very close person in my life. Actually, I was unprepared for the journey through grief and finding a way to make sense of my life as well as prepare for more loss in this short life. This little book takes place in Florida where I relocated to and also in the Florida Keys – where my friend and I had so many memorable times. Good Grief! encompasses the travels with the author as she sorts out all her deep feelings.                                                                      

Everyone responds to loss in a personal way and certain losses are felt in different and more profound ways than other losses. Some really don’t embrace discussing their deep and difficult feelings. Others need to find someone to hold their hand through the uncharted journey through grief. My personal journey was filled with mixed emotions. Luckily, my dear friends seemed to understand what I was experiencing and made time each time I called and needed someone to listen and reassure me that what I was feeling was ‘normal’ for what loss I had experienced.

I had a close relationship with a friend who was sick. He struggled with difficult news from the doctors each time he visited their offices. I was able to move closer to him to share the last years of his life with him, however, didn’t realize that all the time we spent together deepened my love for him and made the loss even more difficult. I would never have changed the way it all worked out, but realized that with great love comes great pain when that person is lost.

I read ‘A Grief Observed’ by C S Lewis and so much of his ‘grief talk’ related to my feelings as well. I also longed for the past – the talks, the walks, the trips to rivers, lunches, movies, days spent at his apartment, and more. All the mundane that made up our simple lives. All of the sudden, the river was still here, but he wasn’t. The grocery store I shopped at for his needs was still here, but I had no list to shop with.   

A 2 Z Press celebrates creativity and encourages all who are searching for a new and interesting title to sit with and enjoy this summer to take a look at Good Grief. This is a great book for family reading time as well as a look at one woman’s journey to relate to.  The significance of stories for young readers cannot be understated, the  narratives emphasize the cognitive and emotional benefits of engaging young minds in captivating tales. The featured book adds a sensitive touch to the young reader’s  journey, offering heartwarming experiences, and interesting storylines that  make this an ideal choice for story reading traditions. Families are encouraged to come together, create  moments of joy, and build cherished traditions through the magic and FUN of storytelling.

Creative Storytelling for Young Readers

Creative storytelling invites young readers to engage in a memorable time of enjoyable storytelling. Good Grief is a delightful addition to young tales or any age reader and I hope brings warmth to the hearts of all readers. The convenience of books available online has made storytelling even more accessible. Parents and caregivers can now explore a vast array of our novels and short stories at the click of a button. The vibrant colors, captivating illustrations, and  engaging narratives come together to create an immersive experience for young readers, fostering a love for reading at any age. Check out our book store  to see all of the children’s books we offer at and Amazon.

We invite families to embrace the magic of storytelling during this Summer season. Whether through illustrated stories or the whimsical world of our sensitive novels, let’s come together to create moments of joy, wonder, and laughter for our children. As we share this precious story, we not only foster a love for reading but also build traditions that will be treasured for years to come and something to remember when loss happens to you – or perhaps it already has and you ‘read to know you are not alone.’

READING FUN for Children’s and Teen’s Summer Reading

School’s OUT! And A 2 Z Press has many novels to add to your child’s summer reading list. Summer is a great time for reading time and our novels are sure to be a hit with all our young readers and adults as well.

Our commitment to excellent storytelling and family-friendly books today brings us to delve into the amazing world of novels and novellas to enhance our imaginations and spark enjoyment in summer reads.

This week, we want to share David R Morgan’s titles, ‘The Strange Case of William Whipper-Snapper, The Magic Tape, Poppy’s Path, and The Scarecrow Who Did Nothing.’  All are sure to be wonderful additions to any library.  

The Strange Case of William Whipper-Snapper is a personal favorite about a 12 year old boy, William, who discovers a silver case in the roots of a storm-downed tree in his backyard.  This case is called a 1-B-Prize and grants wishes. Granting wishes sounds stupendous until all the wishes go horribly wrong! This easy and FUN read is great for the young reader to enhance reading skills in a FUN and engaging way. When William discovers he no longer wants to own the silver case, he has the task of  finding the Maker of the Prize and experiences adventures through time and space while finding the Prize Maker and First- Given. 

The Magic Tape is a magical story about a young man, Tristan, who doesn’t have many friends but, one day, finds a cassette tape. When he plays the tape, it transports him to the world of MUSIC- where there is a great conflict between Harmony and Noise. Perhaps the age-old ‘good v. evil’ plot, but in an interesting manner to use all music as metaphors and this little title is near and dear to my heart because Tristan finds true friends and discovers the joy of being a true friend himself.  

Poppy’s Path is about a young girl sorting out how to find her way in life -a frequent challenge experienced by many young adults deciding their own life paths. This sensitively told, illustrated novella  is a great quick-read for young adults to enjoy as well as discover everyone has the challenge of how to find their way in life.  

The Scarecrow Who Did Nothing is a special illustrated novella about social issues in our world today. It does take the position that many sit idle as the world turns and changes around – sometimes changing in a way that will not benefit those that follow us in life. This little book is colorfully illustrated and drives the message home that we need to help ourselves and our world around us.

A 2 Z Press celebrates David’s creativity and encourages all who are searching for a new and interesting title to sit with and enjoy this summer to take a look at these titles.  These are great for family reading time as well.  The significance of stories for young readers cannot be understated, the  narratives emphasize the cognitive and emotional benefits of engaging young minds in captivating tales. The featured books add a whimsical touch to the young reader’s  journey, offering heartwarming plots, and interesting storylines that  make them ideal choices for story reading traditions. Families are encouraged to come together, create  moments of joy, and build cherished traditions through the magic and FUN of storytelling.

Fun Storytelling for Young Readers

FUN storytelling invites young readers to engage in a memorable time of enjoyable storytelling. These books, delightful additions to young tales, bring warmth to the hearts of all readers. The convenience of books available online has made storytelling even more accessible. Parents and caregivers can now explore a vast array of our novels and short stories at the click of a button. The vibrant colors, captivating illustrations, and  engaging narratives come together to create an immersive experience for young readers, fostering a love for reading at any age. Check out our book store  to see all of the children’s books we offer at and Amazon.

We invite families to embrace the magic of storytelling during this Summer season. Whether through illustrated stories or the whimsical world of our FUN novels, let’s come together to create moments of joy, wonder, and laughter for our children. As we share these precious stories, we not only foster a love for reading but also build  traditions that will be treasured for years to come.

Sometimes it’s just about having MORE FUN

As school is about to be over for another year, A 2 Z Press has many more ‘Just for Fun’ titles to share with our blog audience. Summer is so close! It’s a great time to have reading time and our ‘Juts for FUN’ titles will be a hit with all our young readers.

Our exploration of preschool storytelling today brings us to delve into the enchanting world of illustrated stories, short bedtime tales, and the delightful ‘just for fun’ books from A 2 Z Press, ‘Balloons for Sale, The Lost Dragon, Portrait of a Dragon, and Joe’s Astral Holiday’ are sure to be wonderful additions to any library.  

Just for FUN books are amazing in the facts that they not only encourage reading skills, they are filled with colorful pictures and cute stories that engage all of our young readers.

Today we focus on these illustrated stories, ‘Balloons for Sale, The Lost Dragon, Portrait of a Dragon, and Joe’s Astral Holiday.’ All four titles were created by the talented and famous, Moira Andrew who has over 100 titles to her credit.

Balloons for Sale  is about – you guessed it – balloons! Balloons of all different shapes, sizes, colors, and more. Balloons shared with friends and used to decorate for holidays as well as time spent with grandmas. This easy and FUN read is great for the young reader to learn to read as well as see the different color patterns and shapes of the balloons in a FUN and engaging way.  

The Lost Dragon is a magical story about a little dragon that is lost and finds itself under a sink in a home with very friendly folks. He is very sad to be lost but, when he blows a little smoke, Dad puts him to work making breakfast toast! When his mama comes looking for him, he wants her to see what he can do! Come, join the FUN and see the Little Lost Dragon that makes breakfast toast.

Portrait of a Dragon is about a young artist that wants to paint a dragon. She gathers her supplies and dresses her cat for posing and then goes to work. She takes her colors from the rainbow and all her shapes from the trees and mountains around her. She adds color and scales and spines until she creates her very own portrait of a dragon.

Joe’s Astral Holiday is a special ‘just for fun’ book about Joe – a young boy who loves space. Moira actually based this book on one of her grandsons who loves space! Join Joe as he magically receives a ticket to space, builds his space ship, gathers food and supplies and his pet cat, and prepares to go to space. He thinks of everything and learns to talk to space kids and play and have FUN for sure.    

A 2 Z Press celebrates the enchanting world of more  FUN preschool storytelling. The significance of stories for preschoolers cannot be understated, the  narratives emphasize the cognitive and emotional benefits of engaging young minds in captivating tales. The featured books add a whimsical touch to the young reader’s  journey, offering heartwarming plots, and vibrant illustrations that  make them ideal choices for story reading traditions. Families are encouraged to come together, create  moments of joy, and build cherished traditions through the magic and FUN of storytelling.

Just for Fun Storytelling

Just for FUN storytelling invites young readers to engage in a memorable time of enjoyable storytelling. These books, delightful additions to young tales, bring warmth to the hearts of preschoolers. The convenience of kids’ books available online has made storytelling even more accessible. Parents and caregivers can now explore a vast array of illustrated stories and short bedtime tales at the click of a button. The vibrant colors, captivating illustrations, and  engaging narratives come together to create an immersive experience for preschoolers, fostering a love for reading from a young age. Check out our book store  to see all of the children’s books we offer at and Amazon.

We invite families to embrace the magic of storytelling during this Spring season. Whether through illustrated stories or the whimsical world of our ‘just for fun’ books, let’s come together to create moments of joy, wonder, and laughter for our preschoolers. As we share these precious stories, we not only foster a love for reading but also build traditions that will be treasured for years to come.

Sometimes it’s just about having FUN

The Spring season is still with us and A 2 Z Press has many ‘Just for Fun’ titles to share with the blog audience. Spring is certainly a magical time filled with joy, wonder, and the timeless tradition of storytelling. As we gather around with our little ones, there’s something truly special about weaving tales that capture their imagination and create memories that last a lifetime.

Our exploration of preschool storytelling today brings us to delve into the enchanting world of illustrated stories, short bedtime tales, and the delightful ‘just for fun’ books from A 2 Z Press, ‘Wendy’s Pajama Adventures, Little Leaf Louise, The TV Mouse, and I’s a Secret.

Our journey is not just about reading—it’s about sparking  joy and wonder in little hearts during this wonderful time of the year and reminding us of the delightful additions to preschool storytelling every child enjoys.

Today we focus on illustrated stories, short bedtime tales, and the delightful books that we consider just for fun. Sometimes our little books share a valued message, sometimes they are educational, sometimes for the holidays, but today, we are all about the FUN.

Wendy’s Pajama Adventures  is about young Wendy who is never at a loss for how to have FUN. She and her cat, Mr. Snuggles, build tents from blankets, pretend to float down winding rivers, take a tour of Africa, fly in the sky, and more! Adventure and fun are what Wendy’s Pajama Adventures written by Réne Curtis is all about. Join the fun and see all Wendy’s adventures.

Little Leaf Louise is a magical story about a little girl who falls asleep and then becomes a leaf. She floats out her window and through the air and has FUN as she floats everywhere and finally helps an aging tree be restored to happiness and health again.

The TV Mouse is about a Charlie – a very cute little mouse – who lives in a studio and is in every movie, every show, and every adventure. He sneaks in without being noticed, but he has the most fun a mouse could ever have! Beautifully illustrated and fun for everyone.

It’s a Secret is a special ‘just for fun’ book about Kitty who is from a planet far, far away, but comes to visit the Sweet Peas Primary School today to dazzle all the children and adults alike! She tries to hide how special she is but cannot for long.   

A 2 Z Press celebrates the enchanting world of FUN preschool storytelling. The significance of stories for preschoolers cannot be understated, the  narratives emphasize the cognitive and emotional benefits of engaging young minds in captivating tales. The featured books add a whimsical touch to the young reader’s  journey, offering heartwarming plots, and vibrant illustrations that  make them ideal choices for story reading traditions. Families are encouraged to come together, create  moments of joy, and build cherished traditions through the magic and FUN of storytelling.

Just for Fun Storytelling

Just for FUN storytelling invites young readers to engage in a memorable time of enjoyable storytelling. These books, delightful additions to young tales, bring warmth to the hearts of preschoolers. The convenience of kids’ books available online has made storytelling even more accessible. Parents and caregivers can now explore a vast array of illustrated stories and short bedtime tales at the click of a button. The vibrant colors, captivating illustrations, and  engaging narratives come together to create an immersive experience for preschoolers, fostering a love for reading from a young age. Check out our book store  to see all of the children’s books we offer at and Amazon.

Stories And Preschoolers: An Essential Relationship

As we venture into the world of preschool storytelling, these tales go beyond mere entertainment; they play a crucial role in cognitive development, language acquisition, and emotional intelligence. The power of a well-told story lies in its ability to capture attention, stimulate imagination, and impart valuable life lessons in a way that resonates with young minds.

Illustrated stories, in particular, hold a special place in preschool storytelling, especially for the young reader. The combination of visual elements with narrative sparks creativity and enhances comprehension. The colorful images not only add visual appeal but also provide context to the storyline, making it easier for preschoolers to follow along and engage with the narrative.

In the realm of short anytime stories, the magic of the stories come alive. These tales, crafted with brevity and warmth, serve as the perfect way to wind down the day or help fill spots any time of day. Short bedtime stories, in particular, add a touch of a cheerful and positive message to the bedtime routine. The anticipation of reading magic and the joy of ready and  creates a cozy atmosphere that lingers long after the stories are told.

We invite families to embrace the magic of storytelling during this Spring season. Whether through illustrated stories or the whimsical world of our ‘just for fun’ books, let’s come together to create moments of joy, wonder, and laughter for our preschoolers. As we share these precious stories, we not only foster a love for reading but also build traditions that will be treasured for years to come.

Storybooks To Illuminate Childhood With Magic

Discover the joy of beautifully illustrated  and creatively told stories that A 2 Z Press LLC and the Bestlittlonelinebookstore have to offer. Each story creates a visual spectacle that complements childhood magic. This week, we are presenting Winnie’s Wonderful Wheelchair, Winnie and Her Wonderful Wheelchair’s Winning Week, Winnie and Her Wonderful Wheelchair’s Fantastical Flower Show, Winnie and Her Wonderful Wheelchair’s Terrific Time Trip,  Winnie and Her Wonderful Wheelchair’s Amazing Axolotl and Aardvark  Adventure, Winnie and Her Wonderful Wheelchair’s Four Seasons Forever, Winnie and Her Wonderful Wheelchair’s Winter Wonderland Adventure and Winnie’s collection of all seven – The Many Adventures of Winnie and Her Wonderful Wheelchair.

This week’s blog brings with it a magical atmosphere of joy and wonder, and what better way to enhance this magical spirit than with enchanting storybooks that captivate the imagination? Delve into the world of Winnie and her wonderful wheelchair and her lovely dog, Waffles. These illustrated stories are available at our  gift shop and bookstore as well as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Award- winning author, David R Mogan has created Winnie’s short bedtime or anytime stories not only entertain but also illuminate childhood magic with their delightful narratives.

The Enchantment Of Illustrated Stories

Illustrated stories possess a unique charm, bringing narratives to life through vivid visuals that complement the words on the page. The vibrant images in storybooks  have the power to transport readers, young and old, into fantastical worlds filled with fun-filled magic. Whether it’s Winnie having adventures around her home, doing great deeds all week long, sharing music and magic in an enchanted flower garden, traveling in time to meet famous and influential women, retrieving lost axolotl and aardvarks, celebrating each of our wonderful seasons, or saving Santa from the Huroo, these stories, with beautiful illustrations, create an immersive  experience that enhances the overall joy of childhood.

Short children’s stories are perfect for creating cozy moments with loved ones. Whether read aloud by the fireplace or as part of a bedtime routine or anytime there’s time for a story, these tales add a touch of magic to the quiet, reflective times of childhood. Winnie’s adventures are heartening stories of friendship and goodwill and the brevity of these narratives makes them accessible and enjoyable for readers of all ages.

Childhood Treasures At Our Gift Shop

As we seek out the perfect gifts for our loved ones, consider the gift of storybooks that illuminate magic in childhood. Our gift shop and bookstore are filled with a curated selection of children’s books, offering a delightful array of options for every reader. Whether you’re drawn to whimsical illustrations, heartwarming narratives, or festive tales, there’s a storybook waiting to become a cherished part of your family traditions.

The convenience of exploring and purchasing books online adds a new dimension to shopping. Kids’ books online open up a vast world of possibilities, allowing readers to discover and order story magic from the comfort of their homes. The accessibility of online platforms ensures that these enchanting stories are just a click away, making it easier than ever to bring the joy of illustrated narratives to every corner of the globe.

Spotlight On Magical Tales

In the hustle and bustle of childhood, take a moment to bask in the warmth  of illustrated storybooks that illuminate the magic of childhood. Whether you find these treasures at our gift shop or explore the digital shelves of kids’ books online, let the magic of storytelling transport you to wondrous worlds. As you unwrap the pages of our Winnie books, experience the joy of a visual spectacle that enhances the magic within for readers of all ages.

Crafting Creativity One Book at a Time

Short Bedtime Stories to Encourage Leaning and Creativity

Meet Award-Winning Children’s Author and Poet Sheila Marcotte!

This week,  meet the creative, talented and award-winning author and poet, Sheila Marcotte. Sheila is the author of the Moonbeam award-winning book,  There is a Poem Inside of Me. She also created,  My Grandma has a Garden, My Grandpa Has a Tool Bench, The Flora the Fauna, I Want to Look For Bugs, and The Day That I Went to the Zoo!  

Sheila’s books are written in rhyme, and are delightful children’s picture books for parents to choose to share with their young ones learning to read and in search of quality reading for children.

These books are filled with colorful pictures and wonderfully crafted stories to bring enjoyment as well as some educational material for the young reader.  Each book has a glossary of the items in the book for reference for the young reader.

Discover the enchantment of magical children’s books this Spring season by exploring the short bedtime tales created by Sheila Marcotte.

These new books are sure to become timeless classics for the young readers in your life as they inspire creativity and a love for learning in each child reading them. They are cherished bedtime tales for sure.

Short Bedtime Stories That Inspire Creativity and Make Learning Fun  

There is a Poem Inside of Me. She also created,  My Grandma has a Garden, My Grandpa Has a Tool Bench, The Flora the Fauna, I Want to Look For Bugs, and The Day That I Went to the Zoo “unwrap the gift of storytelling this Spring season and embark on a journey of imagination, warmth, and enduring traditions.

We invite you to explore the joy, wonder, and warmth of these tales, perfect for creating cherished memories during a most wonderful season of the year.

There is a Poem Inside of Me is a Gold Medal Moonbeam winning children’s book about being creative and finding a poem in all of us. This little book inspires the young reader to dig deep inside and develop all the creativity found inside each of us.  

My Grandma has a Garden, is a lovely picture book about different flowers growing in her precious Grandma’s garden. From Foxglove to Lion’s tail and Elephant Ears – come see how many flowers your young one can learn about!

My Grandpa Has a Tool Bench, is for every young boy who loves tools! It is an introduction to sharing quality time with family or friends who want to teach the young, growing boy interested in each and every gadget in this sweet little book.

The Flora the Fauna, is a fun book about the flora and fauna trying to decide which tree it the tallest! Is it the Sequoia? Is it the Cherry tree or the Mighty Oak? Well, as they debate and finally come to a conclusion, then they ask, which tree in the forest is the strongest??? Come see who is the tallest and strongest.

I Want to Look For Bugs, is a creative little book about the different bugs children can find in the world all around them. For some fun, all they need to do is be curious enough to look all around them to see the different bugs surrounding all of us.

and The Day That I Went to the Zoo! Is a charming book for any young library about the fun day this young boy has at the zoo seeing the tall giraffes, the hippos, the swinging chimps, the striped zebras and more! Sure to delight every young reader.

Unwrapping The Gift Of Short Bedtime Stories

In the hustle and bustle of the Spring season, finding a quiet moment to share with loved ones becomes a precious gift. Short bedtime stories offer the perfect  solution, allowing families to gather, unwind, and immerse themselves in the magic of the tales of fun and educational books to engage the young reader in your life on each and every page.

The tradition of bedtime stories holds a special place in many hearts, and during the Spring season, it takes on an even more significant role. As the days become longer, but the night moon still casts a gentle glow, these short stories become a gateway to dreamland and spark creative ideas in our little ones!

The tradition of reading stories before bed goes beyond mere entertainment; it’s a pathway to creating lasting family traditions. Whether it’s the timeless classics or modern tales infused with the magic of these fun topics, these stories provide an opportunity for families to come together, share laughter and tenderness, and build memories that will be treasured for generations.

Exploring The World Of Kids Books Online

The world of kids’ books has expanded beyond the shelves of local bookstores. The convenience of accessing a vast array of stories online opens up new possibilities for discovery. Families can explore and choose stories that resonate with their Sprig traditions, values, and the spirit of togetherness. This accessibility ensures that the magic of Sheila’s stories are just a click away.

All of Sheila’s books can be found on Amazon and Barnes and Noble Book Nook as well as the

There are many exciting titles to choose from at Bestlittleonlinebookstore and Amazon.

      Take a look at our books!


Everyone agrees that animals owners LOVE their pets with an unparalleled passion. This blog is about dogs, dogs, dogs, cats, cats, cats, and horses, horses, horses!

No matter if you are a new or seasoned dog, cat, and horse owner, we know you want to provide the very best for your very best friends! Each day, veterinarians strive to provide excellent care for pets with various concerns.

I, Dr. Terrie Sizemore, DVM have a passion to help owners understand  the basics of pet care. I couldn’t find any other book that provides basic care in a format that is understandable. Each of the three books covers similar topics.

D is for Dogs – covers picking a dog or puppy and bringing them home, various items that are beneficial for puppy and dog care, the major diseases of dogs, tick disease, having puppies, spaying and neutering, arthritis, dental care, nutrition, emergencies, lost pets, a pet exam, common diseases and injuries dogs may encounter, senior pets and more! This book is filled with colorful pictures and basic information easy for young adults and families to enjoy and have as a reference.

C is for Cats – covers picking a cat or kitten and bringing them home, various items beneficial for caring for kittens and cats, the major diseases of cats, having kittens, spaying and neutering, arthritis, dental care, nutrition, emergencies, lost pets, a pet exam, common diseases and injuries cats may encounter, senior pets and more! This book is filled with colorful pictures and basic information easy for young adults and families to enjoy and have as a reference.

H is for Horses – covers just the right horse for every rider, various items beneficial for horse care, the major diseases of horses, tick diseases, having foals, castrating, lameness issues, dental care, nutrition, emergencies, a pet exam, common diseases and injuries horses may encounter, senior pets and more! This book is filled with colorful pictures and basic information easy for young adults and families to enjoy and have as a reference.

Sounds mundane? No way!! All filled with need-to-know information for aspiring veterinary careers, families, young people interested in pet care, and more!!

Spark Joy In Little Hearts With Our New Arrival Preschool Tales

The Spring season is coming soon. It’s a magical time filled with joy, wonder, and the timeless tradition of storytelling. As we gather around with our little ones, there’s something truly special about weaving tales that capture their imagination and create memories that last a lifetime.

In this nearly Spring exploration of preschool storytelling, we delve into the enchanting world of illustrated stories, short bedtime tales, and the delightful new books from A 2 Z Press, ‘When You Grow Up: A Mother’s Ode to Her Son, The Day the Cat Said ‘MOO!,’ Mandy Wishmaker, Grandma Snowflakes: A Christmas Tale, and Fishes Are A- Swimming.’ This journey is not just about reading—it’s about sparking  joy and wonder in little hearts during a wonderful time of the year and reminding us of the delightful additions to preschool storytelling during the coming season.

With a focus on illustrated stories, short bedtime tales, and the delightful books ‘When You Grow Up: A Mother’s Ode to Her Son, The Day the Cat Said ‘MOO!,’ Mandy Wishmaker, Grandma Snowflakes: A Christmas Tale, and Fishes Are A- Swimming,’ we celebrate the enchanting world of preschool storytelling. The significance of stories for preschoolers cannot be understated, the  narratives emphasize the cognitive and emotional benefits of engaging young minds in captivating tales. The featured books add a whimsical touch to the young reader’s  journey, offering the true values we cherish, heartwarming plots, and vibrant illustrations that  make it an ideal choice for story reading traditions. Families are encouraged to come together, create  moments of joy, and build cherished traditions through the magic of storytelling.

Preschool Storytelling

Preschool storytelling transcends generations, connecting us to the essence of childhood and the joy of sharing stories. The world of ‘When You Grow Up: A Mother’s Ode to Her Son, The Day the Cat Said ‘MOO!,’ Mandy Wishmaker, Grandma Snowflakes: A Christmas Tale, and Fishes Are A- Swimming.’ invite young readers to engage in a memorable time of enjoying storytelling. The books, delightful additions to young tales, bring warmth to the hearts of preschoolers.

The convenience of kids’ books available online has made storytelling even more accessible. Parents and caregivers can now explore a vast array of illustrated stories and short bedtime tales at the click of a button. The vibrant colors, captivating illustrations, and  engaging narratives come together to create an immersive experience for preschoolers, fostering a love for reading from a young age. Check out our book store  to see all of the children’s books we offer at and Amazon.

Stories And Preschoolers: An Essential Relationship

As we venture into the world of preschool storytelling, it’s key to understand the significance of stories to tell preschoolers. These tales go beyond mere entertainment; they play a crucial role in cognitive development, language acquisition, and emotional intelligence. The power of a well-told story lies in its ability to capture attention, stimulate imagination, and impart valuable life lessons in a way that resonates with young minds.

Illustrated stories, in particular, hold a special place in preschool storytelling. The combination of visual elements with narrative sparks creativity and enhances comprehension. The colorful images not only add visual appeal but also provide context to the storyline, making it easier for preschoolers to follow along and engage with the narrative.

 Stories For Spring and Every Season

‘When You Grow Up: A Mother’s Ode to Her Son,’ exemplifies the charm of illustrated stories. Through realistic, yet whimsical illustrations, the book brings to life a world where a mom tells her story with tenderness that all parents can relate to as Devona expresses her joy and hope and love for her son. Devona’s unique perspectives and caring create a captivating experience for preschoolers and their parents, making it a delightful addition to the young reading list.

‘The Day the Cat Said ‘MOO!,’ is a wonderfully told story about how the animals, and sometimes us, want to be someone or something else. Each of us has a unique voice and we need to celebrate our uniqueness and find our personal voice!!

‘Mandy Wishmaker,’ is a fantastical story by David R Morgan about a little girl with magical dreams and dreams that allow her to create wonderful experiences for others as well!

‘Grandma Snowflakes: A Christmas Tale,’ is a short and sweet story about a grandma who has left her beloved granddaughter and her granddaughter’s finding a way to connect with her even after passing.

‘Fishes Are A- Swimming,’ is a colorful and fun book about a young boy who has a blast over and under the sea! Come, join the fun as Moira tells a story like only she can.

In the realm of short bedtime stories, the magic of ready comes alive. These tales, crafted with brevity and warmth, serve as the perfect way to wind down the day. Short bedtime stories, in particular, add a touch of a cheerful and positive message to the bedtime routine. The anticipation of reading magic and the joy of ready and  creates a cozy atmosphere that lingers long after the stories are told.

We invite families to embrace the magic of storytelling during this almost Spring season. Whether through illustrated stories or the whimsical world of our new arrivals, let’s come together to create moments of joy, wonder, and laughter for our preschoolers. As we share these precious stories, we not only foster a love for reading but also build traditions that will be treasured for years to come.

Cheerful Preschool Tales Spark Joy In Little Hearts

The Lentin season is a magical time filled with joy, wonder, and the timeless tradition of storytelling. As we gather around with our little ones, there’s something truly special about weaving tales that capture their imagination and create memories that last a lifetime.

In this exploration of preschool storytelling, we delve into the enchanting world of illustrated stories, short bedtime tales, and the delightful books,  Mom’s Choice Award Winning – Just Right, Thankful Me Using My ABCs, Moose Millie and the Golden Rule, Respect With Moose Millie, and An Egg-cellent Idea. This journey is not just about reading—it’s about sparking joy and wonder in little hearts during any wonderful time of the year.

Preschool Storytelling

Preschool storytelling transcends generations, connecting us to the essence of childhood and the joy of sharing stories. The world of ‘ Just Right, Thankful Me Using My ABCs, Moose Millie and the Golden Rule, Respect With Moose Millie, and An Egg-cellent Idea  all invite young readers into a world of learning and reminding all of us of messages that cheer every child. The books, delightful additions to young tales, bring laughter and warmth to the hearts of preschoolers.

The convenience of children’s books online has made storytelling even more accessible. Parents and caregivers can now explore a vast array of illustrated stories and short bedtime tales at the click of a button. The vibrant colors, captivating illustrations, and engaging narratives come together to create an immersive experience for preschoolers, fostering a love for reading from a young age. Check out our bookstore to see all of the children’s books we offer.

Stories And Preschoolers:

An Essential Relationship  – as we venture into the world of preschool storytelling, it’s key to understand the significance of stories to tell preschoolers. These tales go beyond mere entertainment; they play a crucial role in cognitive development, language acquisition, and emotional intelligence. The power of a well-told story lies in its ability to capture attention, stimulate imagination, and impart valuable life lessons in a way that resonates with young minds.

Schedule Illustrated stories, in particular, hold a special place in preschool storytelling. The combination of visual elements with narrative sparks creativity and enhances comprehension. The colorful images not only add visual appeal but also provide context to the storyline, making it easier for preschoolers to follow along and engage with the narrative.

Stories For Cheerful and Positive Messages

Just Right, Thankful Me Using My ABCs, Moose Millie and the Golden Rule, Respect With Moose Millie, and An Egg-cellent Idea exemplifie the charm of illustrated stories. Through whimsical illustrations, these books brings to life a world where children embark on positive images of themselves, create a thankful heart, learn how the golden rule and respect help them develop lasting and wonderful relationships and the true meaning of friendship. Along with lessons learned, the stories are joyful and spread laughter and cheer. These books’ unique perspectives and wonderful and meaningful messages create a captivating experience for preschoolers, making it a delightful addition to their reading list.

In the realm of short bedtime stories, the magic of these stories come alive. These tales, crafted with brevity and warmth, serve as the perfect way to wind down the day. Short bedtime stories, in particular, add a touch of joy to the bedtime routine. The anticipation of reading magic and the joy of the learning and spending time with ones we love create a cozy atmosphere that lingers long after the stories are told.

We invite families to embrace the magic of storytelling during the Lentin season. Whether through illustrated stories or the whimsical world of these books, let’s come together to create moments of joy, wonder, and laughter for our preschoolers. As we share these precious stories, we not only foster a love for reading but also build traditions that will be treasured for years to come.